Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 4 - C25K & leash couplers

I recently started jogging with my dogs using the Petmate Take Two! coupler with their Puppia harnesses.  I used to be anti-coupler at least when it comes to my dogs, that is, I figured essentially forcing them to be REALLY close together on leash was perhaps not the brightest idea...

Exhibit A:  my dogs on SEPARATE leashes:

Exhibit B:  my dogs OFF-LEASH:

BUT much to my surprise, they are actually wonderful jogging with the coupler (see photos in previous posts) and it's made jogging with two dogs on-leash much, much easier!  My preference of course is still jogging with them off-leash.

NOTE:  Just in case you are reading this thinking sheesh she should train them to heel or something, they act like that in public?!?!  They are actually extremely well trained and they have titles and all that jazz.  BUT they are fun-loving, energetic, spirited dogs so yes there occasionally is a spontaneous smackdown mid-sidewalk or at the beach and it's HILARIOUS. we finished Week 3 of C25K, here's Walker looking extra clean after our run:

We got something in the mail in a giant box on Saturday so obviously we had to play games using this treasure!  

Don't worry, you too can be this cool with your dog, check out 101 Things to Do With a Box.

WARNING:  Before playing box games with your dog(s), check with any other members of the household to see if they still need the box.  Apparently this box was to be used to return something in, oopsies!  

Onto today...  It was GORGEOUS weather, which was a tad annoying since this weekend was really gloomy.  The dogs and I took a lovely stroll during lunch:

After work we started Week 4 of C25K...

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